What is a request for information made for a commercial purpose?
A commercial request is when the requestor seeks to use part or all of the public records for sale, resale, or solicitation or advertisement for sales or services. Requests by
the news media, not-for-profit organizations, scientific or academic institutions are not considered commercial information requests.
Are commercial information requests treated differently?
Yes. A public body has 21 business days to respond to a request for information that is made for a commercial purpose. The public body can either: (1) provide the requested
records; (2) advise when the records will be provided and the costs; (3) deny the request (if it falls under an exception); or (4) advise the requestor that the request is
unduly burdensome.
Can the public entity charge fees for copies of the information?
Yes, but the fees are limited. For traditional black and white, letter or legal sized copies (8 1/2 x 11 or 11 x 14), the first 50 pages are free, and any additional pages can
cost no more than 15 cents a page. For color copies or abnormal size copies, the public body can charge the actual cost of copying.